Biggest Casino Trends 2018

In 1638, what is considered the world's first casino, started in Venice, Italy. Here, gambling-loving residents could enjoy, among other things, lotteries (”biribi”) and card games (”basetta”). In the card games in particular, large sums were wagered, and the winnings could thus be enormous for that time. For centuries, the paths of gambling have been crooked, it was even banned for a long period. It was only in the early 1990s that casino entrepreneurs began to think outside the box and think of solutions that could be taken to the mythical Internet.

That technology, design programs, gaming apps and new bonus systems continue to develop is natural. By far the biggest difference between then and now, is that gambling today is accessible to everyone thanks to the development of online games. When the introduction of online casino took place, there were no free spins or bonuses, but with increasing competition and new games, this has become a matter of course to attract players. This is also something that will not disappear in the first place, on the contrary, even greater welcome gifts and bonuses are proposed. In addition, VR effects (Virtual Reality) are predicted to take the market by storm and even cooler gamifications. Casino 2018 will probably also offer more niche sites, such as Metal Casino (2017), a casino with a theme built on metal music. The casino was created by some New Zealand hard rock fans, and with the pull patch Ozzy Osbourne, the success was a fact!

Virtual Reality and gamification

As we track in the casino future, we believe there will be more games where the experience can be enhanced and become more authentic with the help of a pair of VR glasses. These glasses that cover your entire eye area, allow you to see a virtual reality that feels so real that you can almost believe that you are in another world. Virtual Reality technology has actually been used for a while and now there is talk of so-called VR casinos. With the help of this technology, you can visit a casino ”for real”, that is, walk around among gaming tables, other players, dealers and slot machines.

Players around the world also want more opportunities to interact with others, they are constantly looking for more stimulation and a sense of belonging. In order to achieve these requirements and attract players, the casino world's game developers have had to rise several levels. This is where so-called gamifications come into play . This is a process that can be described as integrating a game or the same kind of mechanics found in a game, website or community. This is done to engage visitors and the year 2018 is likely to be characterized by even more interactive and customer-focused content, thanks to just gamifications.


In 2017, approximately 140 new casinos . Expectations and requirements are therefore high for 2018. Both It technicians and innovative game developers have a certain pressure to create unique games that take customers by storm, especially when the competition among all casinos is as high as it is. However, with the record-breaking pace of development, regulations also follow. These will probably not come into force until 2019, but careful preparation and good foresight will be required as the New Zealand gambling monopoly will be abolished shortly. Casinos that do not offer secure payment options, professional and knowledgeable customer service staff, gaming limits, and more, are unlikely to be able to retain their customers. Preventive work with well-developed action plans against gambling addiction, as well as serious partners with free advice via helplines, support groups, online chats and the like, there will also be higher demands.

Cryptocurrencies common in casino 2018

In the wake of the demands for higher security, the market for Bitcoins casino has grown explosively. Both Bitcoins and Blockchain are two innovative payment methods. Transactions using these methods do not require a third party, which means fewer or no fees. Many players therefore choose cryptocurrencies like these, which has led to more and more casinos offering them as a payment method.

Live betting

Live betting means that you place a bet (a bet) on your mobile or tablet during the match. The biggest focus so far has been on European football, but more niche sites and sports are also expected to establish themselves in live betting. As examples, we can take biathlon, darts and cycling. For example, you can bet on who will score the next goal, who will shoot fully at the next standing shooting, who will dot the Bulls eye first, and so on. Betting has become incredibly popular. Many companies now offer free live streaming, which means you can watch matches from the best leagues in Europe for free! Newer companies also offer big bonuses to attract customers, these increase even more in line with the development of casino 2018.