Building a casino

Sometimes simple means can change life in a very positive way. The Housing Council at Djupängens eldreboende, which is located on Hammarö, saw an opportunity to create a slightly different employment. One of the accommodation's departments was empty for the time being and it came up for discussion whether it could not be used for something that could please both the residents and those who work at the nursing home. Some residents mentioned that they thought it would be fun if it was possible to buy a pool table.

However, Casino is in the era and there are lots of advertisements for casinos online on TV. It inspired the Housing Council and sparked the idea of putting forward the proposal to build a casino. Today there is therefore the opportunity for the residents to take part in various casino activities. It's all from card games like blackjack and spin the wheel of fortune, to draw lottery tickets or play billiards.

Maybe not Las Vegas, but just as fun

It may not be as luxurious and elegant as the Grand Casino palaces of Las Vegas, or Monte Carlo for that matter, but it's just as much fun. When Thursday comes, the residents and staff bring out the fine clothes for the evening's casino games. Some choose to play a game of billiards, while others take a seat at the game tables. In true casino spirit there is a bar where popular and classic drinks like San Francisco are served.

On the green canvas of the tables are gold coins and chips waiting for the next round and the next bet. A costumed croupier professionally handles the game and deals the cards dealt, ensuring that bets are made and chips are collected for the winner after each game round. In the background you can hear swinging casino music that clearly raises the mood.

It is clear that it means a lot to the residents, but at least as much to the staff. The casino activities are a break in everyday life and create both job satisfaction and the opportunity for staff and residents to socialize in a completely different way.

Means a lot to both residents and staff

Mia Hernell Blomqvist, development manager in Hammarö municipality, is very positive about this initiative and the residents agree. Several of them smile big and say that it is very funny and pleasant. Not least, one of the skilled blackjack players is extra happy when she blew up the bank some time ago. Something she looks forward to doing again.

This is a successful venture that brings a little party atmosphere into life, and something that more nursing homes could try.